Wonderful Wednesday #31
First Wonderful Wednesday post of the year for me. I've been missing in action for a while. My blog post Anxiety sucks! explains why and I hope it may help someone by posting it. It certainly helped me to get it out of my mind for a little bit. Lets get on with the wonderful list! Gardening - The gardening has been limited by the time of year and cold weather but I'm enjoying planning this years planting. I was bought a mini greenhouse for christmas and I'm planning to fill it. I've bought seeds for flowers and vegetables. I've been studying the packets and planning when and where to plant them. Long walks - I'm trying to get regular excercise, I'm not a fan of gyms so walking is my execrcise. It's really doing me good getting some fresh air, achey muscles and sometimes some vitamin D from the sun peeking out through the clouds. Holiday planning - January is the perfect time to start planning this year's holidays. Nothing is booke...